Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation

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Front cover of OPDC's Local Plan

Hello, and welcome to OPDC's home for the Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation that took place between 17 May to midnight 5 July 2021.

If you want to find out more about the ongoing Examination, please visit the Examination Documents page in the Examination Library.

Consultation has now closed

Thank you to those who attended our events and/or provided comments. 

You can find the consultation comments, our responses to comments, our proposed further minor changes, all our consultation documents, answers to Frequently Asked Questions and more on the right of this page. 

On 14 September 2021, OPDC Board agreed to submit the consultation comments, our responses to these and our proposed further minor changes to the Planning Inspector for him to review. The Inspector has reviewed this material and has set out the next stage of the examination in his 6 October note. You can view this note on the right of this page.

What happened in the lead up to the consultation?

OPDC is the Mayor of London’s local regeneration and planning agency. Between May and June we consulted on some proposed changes to our draft Local Plan which will guide how our area is to change over the coming years.

This process of change brings huge opportunities for new and affordable homes, jobs, open space, parks and community facilities, but we need a statutory Local Plan that will guide new development and ensure these are delivered and that local residents and businesses can enjoy the benefits. This is why, we sought your feedback on our proposals. 

We have already published a draft Local Plan and held extensive consultation with landowners, residents and businesses, including 28 public events and over 11,000 responses, but we are now asking for your feedback on some proposed changes (Main Modifications), before they are considered by the government’s Planning Inspector, and become part of our adopted Local Plan. 

What was consulted on?

We invited comments on the Main Modifications to the draft Local Plan. These proposed changes are available to view in the consultation documents on the right of this page.

When did consultation take place?

17 May until midnight 5 July 2021 

What happens next?

The Local Plan programme is now in the control of the Planning Inspector. The programme will comprise of the following:

  • We reviewed consultation responses, responded to comments, recommended some further changes and provided this information to the Inspector (completed September 2021)
  • The Inspector has decided to hold further public hearings. These are being held on 11 and 12 January 2022 with a reserve day on 13 January. Find out more on the Examination Documents webpage.
  • The Inspector will then write his final report, setting out if he considers the Local Plan to be sound and directing further changes he deems necessary to make the Local Plan sound
  • We will then adopt the Local Plan

 You can see all the steps in the process on the right of this page.

Hello, and welcome to OPDC's home for the Local Plan Main Modifications Consultation that took place between 17 May to midnight 5 July 2021.

If you want to find out more about the ongoing Examination, please visit the Examination Documents page in the Examination Library.

Consultation has now closed

Thank you to those who attended our events and/or provided comments. 

You can find the consultation comments, our responses to comments, our proposed further minor changes, all our consultation documents, answers to Frequently Asked Questions and more on the right of this page. 

On 14 September 2021, OPDC Board agreed to submit the consultation comments, our responses to these and our proposed further minor changes to the Planning Inspector for him to review. The Inspector has reviewed this material and has set out the next stage of the examination in his 6 October note. You can view this note on the right of this page.

What happened in the lead up to the consultation?

OPDC is the Mayor of London’s local regeneration and planning agency. Between May and June we consulted on some proposed changes to our draft Local Plan which will guide how our area is to change over the coming years.

This process of change brings huge opportunities for new and affordable homes, jobs, open space, parks and community facilities, but we need a statutory Local Plan that will guide new development and ensure these are delivered and that local residents and businesses can enjoy the benefits. This is why, we sought your feedback on our proposals. 

We have already published a draft Local Plan and held extensive consultation with landowners, residents and businesses, including 28 public events and over 11,000 responses, but we are now asking for your feedback on some proposed changes (Main Modifications), before they are considered by the government’s Planning Inspector, and become part of our adopted Local Plan. 

What was consulted on?

We invited comments on the Main Modifications to the draft Local Plan. These proposed changes are available to view in the consultation documents on the right of this page.

When did consultation take place?

17 May until midnight 5 July 2021 

What happens next?

The Local Plan programme is now in the control of the Planning Inspector. The programme will comprise of the following:

  • We reviewed consultation responses, responded to comments, recommended some further changes and provided this information to the Inspector (completed September 2021)
  • The Inspector has decided to hold further public hearings. These are being held on 11 and 12 January 2022 with a reserve day on 13 January. Find out more on the Examination Documents webpage.
  • The Inspector will then write his final report, setting out if he considers the Local Plan to be sound and directing further changes he deems necessary to make the Local Plan sound
  • We will then adopt the Local Plan

 You can see all the steps in the process on the right of this page.

  • Consultation has now closed.
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