OPDC Biodiversity volunteering programme
About our Volunteering Programme
Following two successful years of greenspace volunteering and canalside volunteering programmes, OPDC, in partnership with the London Borough of Brent and the London Borough of Ealing, enters into its third year of volunteering and improvements to public green spaces and the canalside in Old Oak and Park Royal.
The programme will include activities and strategies to encourage all members of the community to get involved and improve the green spaces in the Old Oak and Park Royal area, as well as delivering improvements to the canal space with local people and businesses.
Working with the Canal and River Trust and environmental charity Groundwork London, we will be running an exciting programme of volunteering sessions to improve the appearance and biodiversity of Old Oak and Park Royal.
What improvements would you like to see?
Would you like to join the Biodiversity Volunteering Programme at OPDC? Do you enjoy using the local green spaces and the canal, and would like to work with us to improve the appearance, facilities, value and safety in our area?
We recognise the importance of our local green spaces for the enjoyment, health and well-being of our communities. Working with Canal and River Trust and Groundwork London, we are looking to run a series of events such as litter picks on the canal (including using kayaks and canoes), green space maintenance activities, nature walks, workshops, planting sessions and the creation and improvement of wildlife habitat environments. Groundwork London will also facilitate regular hands-on volunteering sessions, including bulb planting, vegetation clearance, bird box making, making planter boxes and seating using recycled materials to help enhance the quality and biodiversity of our green spaces.
Activities will be suitable for all, no previous experience is required and all tools are provided. It's a great opportunity to learn and share skills, meet new people, have lots of fun and make a real difference to your local community.
As well as a whole host of new planting, we're improving and tidying up the existing green spaces in Park Royal to make the area a more beautiful and pleasant place to work. All sessions will be led by an experienced gardener who will on hand to offer expert help and advice. You can get involved in any the below sessions and we would love to see you there:
- Wednesday 13th March, 11:00am – 2:00pm: Planter maintenance and finishing off: oiling and painting
- EX2, 41 Standard Rd, London, NW10 6HF
- Wednesday 20th March, 11:00am – 1:00pm: Guerrilla Gardeners group – Tree planting, weeding, litter pick, mulching, pruning, planter maintenance
- EX2, 41 Standard Rd, London, NW10 6HF
If you'd like to take part in this programme, register your interest by emailing greenertogether@groundwork.org.uk
Get involved
If you are a local resident and are interested in getting involved in volunteering opportunities, please register your interest by emailing volunteer@canalrivertrust.org.uk (for canalside volunteering) and/or GreenerTogether@groundwork.org.uk for opportunities beyond the canal.
If you are a business employee, business owner or interested in corporate volunteering opportunities, please contact us with your name and details and register your interest by emailing info@opdc.london.gov.uk